When dawn breaks in the Oliveros neighbourhood in Almería, locals start looking for lottery tickets. Among the street benches, on trees, under litter bins or on road signs. Anywhere can be a good place to hide an envelope that could be lucky. The man behind this idea is Jesús Ibáñez, the lottery owner of the administration ‘La trece’, which last year distributed more than 8 million euros from the third prize of the Spanish Christmas Lottery Draw.
With the initiative ‘Se busca el Gordo’, Ibáñez will hide 20 envelopes around his neighbourhood. This is the fourth he has done this and the idea came about as a result of roadworks that kept pedestrians away from the area and which is now being maintained with the aim of revitalising the festive atmosphere in the neighbourhood and encouraging Christmas shopping.
He hides eight of these envelopes every day from Monday, 12 December, to the 18th. Four of them contain a direct voucher for a lottery ticket, while the other four will have a participation to opt for a ticket, through a draw to be held next Friday.
“There are already two people who have sent me photographs of the tickets they have found, there are still six left”, explained the lottery seller, who admits that he feels he is being stalked by the neighbours every time he goes out on the street in case he hides one of the tickets. Every day, he publishes clues and riddles on his administration’s website to help people find the envelopes.
From niusdiario.es
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